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Zapier Instructions

Inperson now allows users to use Zapier to export connections from the app directly to other platforms. To use this feature, a user first creates a “Zap” in Zapier, defining how they want to transfer their connections from inperson and to which platform. Then, within the inperson app, the user uses the “export connections” capability to export their connection to Zapier.
To use the “export connections” capability, open the app, and in the main screen page, tap the “connections” icon on the tab bar:

Zapier screen 1

In the connection page, tap the “export connections” button as shown:

Zapier integration screen 2

From the action sheet that appears, select “Export to Zapier”:

Zapier integration screen 3

Once the export is complete, you’ll see a confirmation dialog:

Zapier integration screen 4